
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Page 07

Despite his lack of interest in formal credentials Orville like Wilbur was committed to broad learning and supplemented his schooling with a great deal of private study. The brothers in fact had an education comparable to a modern four year college degree.

Orville was charming and an interesting conversationalist with family and close friends as well as an incorrigible practical joker. But unlike the outgoing Wilbur he was painfully shy among strangers. Wilbur always represented the brothers publicly.

Technology and innovation were part of the Wright brother's lives before they began their study of aeronautics. Orville in particular was intrigued by mechanical things as a youngster always building fixing and tinkering. His first serious technical interest and pursuit was printing. He began a printing business as a teenager, in which Wilbur later joined him.   

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