
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Page 06

Orville was more impulsive than his contemplative thoughtful older brother and Orville had boundless curiosity and energetically pursued a range of interests. His mind was quick and he was always coming up with new inventions. While pursuing the airplane was initially Wilbur's idea Orville's enthusiasm and optimism were often what carried them through to solutions of difficult technical problems.

Orville showed an interest in technology and science early in life. He was always performing experiments and dismantling things to find out how they worked. He fit the stereotype of the budding inventor far more than Wilbur.

Orville was as bright as his brother, but he could be mischievous in the classroom and did not always apply himself fully. His work habits improved in high school. But instead of following the prescribed junior year curriculum he opted for a series of advanced college preparatory courses. As a result, he would not qualify for his high school degree at the end of his senior year, so he decided not to attend school that term. He never graduated.    

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